Spring Plant Sale


The Spring Plant Sale is one of the major events on the W.E.H.S. calendar.  Thanks to the enthusiastic participation of our members, it is the principal fundraiser for our society.

The sale is held on a Saturday in May, with the date being driven largely by weather and the last frost date - the exact date will be announced on the Home page.

Plants are sold to members and non-members alike. While plants are mostly perennial, annuals are also for sale.


Thanks to everyone who helped make our 2024 Annual Perennial Sale on May 18th a success!

Plant Drop-off


Members are invited to drop off plants in pots on the Friday before the sale.  We ask that plants be labeled.  The drop-off site will be communicated beforehand.

If you don't have (enough) pots, please send an email to info@wehs.ca and we will try to get some to you.  Similarly, if you have pots to spare.

Plant with label