Photo Contest
The W.E.H.S. Photography Contest is typically held every couple of years:
- The contest is open to members only
- Each member can submit up to three (3) entries
- Each photo should be submitted as a colour print, 8” x 10” in size, matte or glossy finish
- The subject should be flora and/or fauna found in private or public gardens, parks, forests, farms, shorelines, ...etc.
- Cash prizes are awarded in the amounts of $25 for first place, $15 for second and $10 for third. An honourable mention is also awarded.
- The contest is limited to amateur photographers.
Additional details are announced on the Home page.
2023 Photo Contest
1st prize, 2nd prize: Lenore Beitel
3rd prize: Françoise Caron
Honourable Mentions: Lenore Beitel & Sharon Pierce